Interested in news involving hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” in California? Our sister blog, California Environmental Law Blog, actively keeps readers informed on the latest legal, business and regulatory developments on fracking.

Highlights from the past year include:

Here is more information on Governor Brown’s removal of Elena Miller as the head of California’s Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR).  Derek Chernow, the head of California’s Department of Conservation was also removed.  In addition to supervising DOGGR, Chernow supervised California’s State Mining and Geology Board and the Office of Mine Reclamation.  As discussed

Falling victim to a Legislature pre-occupied with massive budget deficit issues and last minute wrangling over the Governor’s corporate tax package on out-of-state companies, AB 591, California’s legislative foray into the charged arena of hydraulic fracturing regulation, stalled in the State Senate’s Appropriations Committee.  In its current form, the bill embodied a fairly comprehensive

Join Stoel Rives Partners Michael Mills and Tom Henry for the CalCIMA Education Conference.  Stoel Rives is a proud sponsor of this event. 

California leads the nation in construction aggregate production.  The California Construction and Industrial Materials Association is a non-profit organization that brings together aggregate, industrial mineral, and ready mixed concrete producers to provide

One year ago the California Supreme Court issued its decision in Communities for a Better Environment v. South Coast Air Quality Management District (2010) 48 Cal. 4th 310.   Since our blog wasn’t up at the time I thought it would be a good idea to look back on that decision and how it impacts mine

On September 30, 2010, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law two bills, AB 231 and SB 1456, both of which took effect immediately as urgency statutes. Both laws address two significant burdens that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) places on the mining industry: the complex CEQA review process and the abuses of CEQA through