Minerals Make Life – an initiative created by the National Mining Association – has recently developed an informative infographic on the important role silver plays in our society. Out of all metals, silver is unique in that it has the highest electrical and thermal conductively. These characteristics make silver an important ingredient in products we use every day, including automobiles, microwaves, cameras and plasma TVs. Further, silver is a major economic driver and a job creator in the United States. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, in 2014, more than one thousand tons of silver was produced in the United States, valuing at approximately $718 million.

It could be said that the road to green energy is literally paved with silver. The primary ingredient in most solar cells is silver. An average solar panel contains about two-thirds of an ounce of silver. Indeed, the solar industry uses about 5% of the world’s silver supply.

For more information regarding the importance of silver and domestic mineral production, visit Minerals Make Life.

By Mike Mills (michael.mills@stoel.com) and Eric Skanchy (eric.skanchy@stoel.com).