On October 8, the National Wildlife Federation (“NWF”) fulfilled its promise to sue the U.S. Department of Transportation (“DOT”). The lawsuit alleges that for 20 years the DOT has allowed pipelines to operate illegally by failing to issue regulations under section 311(j) of the Clean Water Act (“CWA”), which requires pipeline operators to submit plans

On July 28, 2015, the National Wildlife Federation (“NWF”) filed an intent to sue notice against the Department of Transportation (“DOT”), arguing the DOT has not properly approved pipeline projects for more than 20 years.

The legal action carries nationwide implications: Every U.S. oil pipeline that intersects a navigable water may soon be subject to additional regulations.

Specifically, NWF contends that DOT has failed to issue regulations under section 311(j) of the Clean Water Act (“CWA”), requiring an owner or operator of a pipeline to prepare and submit a facility response plan (“FRP”) detailing response actions to be taken in the event of a worst-case discharge of oil or hazardous substances into waters of the United States.
Continue Reading Pipeline Operators Take Heed – Threatened Enviro Lawsuit May Lead to Greater Regulatory Requirements

The North Dakota Supreme Court issued an opinion last week resolving a constitutional question of public vs. private ownership of mineral interests in the area between the high and low water marks along navigable waters (commonly known as the “shore zone”).  Ultimately, the court found that the state’s interest in minerals begins at the high