On Tuesday, April 7, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“USEPA”) published a proposed rule in the Federal Register for regulation of wastewater from unconventional oil and gas operations (“UOG”), which includes hydraulic fracturing. The rule, titled “Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category,” is a Clean Water Act (“CWA”) regulation and imposes pretreatment requirements for existing and new sources. In accordance with the prescribed standards, oil and gas operators would be required to pretreat their wastewater fluid before it is transferred into publicly owned utilities. The proposed rule contains technology-based pretreatment standards.
Continue Reading USEPA Releases Proposed Rule on Fracking Wastewater Treatment; Says There Will be No Costs to Industry
USGS Tool Could Predict, Prevent Wetlands Contamination By Sub-Surface Wastewater
By Andrew Pieper on
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While advances in hydraulic fracturing technology have resulted in an oil and gas boom in North Dakota and other parts of the U.S., the industry, federal and state regulators, and local communities have also had to contend with outgrowths of that development. One particular issue confronting those groups is how to handle and dispose of…